My mom had school board meetings in Cedar City, so my dad came down and supported her. She actually was part of presenting a special class. She jokes that all she did was turn the lights on and off for the projector, but I still think it is awesome that she is so involved. They came down Friday night and we had dinner with them and talked for awhile.
Austin's parents were also in town. They are currently in the process of helping her parents move, so they were busy painting this weekend. We were worried we wouldn't get to spend any time with them, but luckily they worked super quickly and had the whole houses painted before Saturday evening. But, they came over after my parents did in Friday night, and we had a good chat with them.

Luckily, we had enough sense to bring our headlamps! I mean, how else would we have gotten this picture??
We woke up early this next morning and went climbing with the #climbtimecrew, but this time my parents also joined us. Check out my dad!!
Like... seriously... big props to him for climbing in his regular tennis shoes. We just need to get him some climbing shoes and he will be scaling those mountains like they are no big deal. In other news... peer pressure still works :)
Here are some quick little pics to finish up that fun climb adventure. Seriously, we only look hardcore because we document. If you notice, I am totally resting in one of these pictures, and I barely made it 4' up the wall.
Our day then consisted of corn dogs, cleaning up, and cleaning up our apartment, while my parents went and met with family and visited various quilt shops, and Austin's family kept diligently working on the grandparent's new abode. Also. They are moving super close to where we live, so we were able to drop by and see how things were going. Really nice little home, and they are going to really enjoy themselves.
We went out as a gang of 6 to the Brick Oven. I got the Penne Pesto something or an other. It was super good. I would definitely recommend it to anyone. Shoot. I recommend it to everyone. I am really grateful that Austin and I have the parents that we do, because we all get along. Such a joy.
We went to see Spamalot after that. For all of you that haven't seen Spamalot and aren't doing anything on Thursday or Saturday, go check it out. I did the costumes for it. Let me attach a link and help you out.
And! You can check out Lee Blessing's Nice People Dancing to Good Country Music. That one is playing on Friday. So much talent. I am so lucky to work with so many great people.
AND! I stole this picture from Grace. She has been doing costumes. And. She has been doing awesome. So, here is a picture to entice you further.
Yep. Totally made all of those costumes. Naturally, I had help. But still. I patterned everything you see on that stage.
We loved watching the show with our parents and everyone had so much fun. The audience was just eating it up, and everyone was really enjoying themselves. The audience was feeding the actors, and the actors were giving it back. It was such a good flow of energy.
And that is how we spent our weekend. I mean, we did have Sunday, but we actually gave talks to I am going to do a more detailed post on that, but it was really great to have our parents in town and hang out with them. My biggest advice. If you want to go rock climbing with your parents, just make sure the shade you promised them... is really there.
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