Waking up bright and early on a holiday can be pretty... frustrating... unless it is planned. Then it is cool! We went rock climbing with our #climbtimecrew and had tons of fun, as always. We picked up Miss Grace, and then met PartyBear (as he has chosen to be referred to on today's blog) and Kierstin at Del Taco. We were on the east side of Black Rock, which was really nice, because it was still shady when we left at 12:30. But enough talk. Let's get to the pictures!
Here is Miss Grace, totally killing it!! This is her second climb... ever. We love going with new people because they are super hardcore and brave.
Austin did his first lead climb. He totally rocked it! Oh, the puns! It was rated as a 5.10 and honestly, no one would have ever known that he hadn't done this before.
We had to switch the ropes, so we was all sorts of busy getting that sorted out, and I got some nice pictures.
Here is one of us two being super romantic. I loved Austin's instagram post where he said that I always support him. What a cutie. Love him.
We got corn dogs for lunch. We absolutely love this corn dog truck. Want to know more?? It is in the same parking lot as Hurst Ace on Bluff St. Check out their Facebook page.
https://www.facebook.com/WorldsBestCornDogsSt.GeorgeUtah They're awesome because they put honey on top of the corn dogs. So good. And they're a foot long. Boom. Delicious. I sat in the car and watched as Austin got us some delicious lunch! Seriously. I can't get enough of it.

They had so many hilarious games they were playing. I think they ended up with ten by the end. Singing and slapping the water for percussion, getting out of the pool with no hands... or something.... seeing who could swim the most times underneath the water with one breath, doing a relay of people swimming under the water with one breath, and... hmm... my memory is fleeting. PartyBear was coming up with some really good ones, and everyone seemed to love trying them all out. Check out Austin doing the jump in the pool game. Who knows what this thing is called... but it is so flippy!
We had a barbecue while we waited for it to get dark. It went so well. The food was super delicious, and the company was fantastic. We are so blessed to have so many good friends. Seriously. Kierstin and PartyBear are some of the best friends I have ever had, and we are so blessed that they continue to let the old marrieds hang out with them. We had what any typical barbecue would have, good burgers, bratwursts, piano music, regular music, chips, and more chips. The group of people there were all so chill and fun. They definitely made for a good night. I brought peach cobbler, and people even said, hey, this is good, so I think that I am moving up in the world.
Sounds like you guys are having a ton of fun! So glad you both had the holiday off and got to party :)